Game of Zones

Game of Zones is an educational game to show how different criteria interact and contribute to the development of holistic sustainable planning concepts.

The overall aim of the game is for players to learn about the different sustainability concepts, identify potential synergies across categories, and then discuss the concepts in a team and between groups. The players can learn about how different criteria interact and contribute to the development of holistic sustainable planning concepts. Players learn through developing their own concept and seeing how others approach the challenge. The winner is the team with the most convincing concept.

The game was originally developed as a teaching and stakeholder engagement tool for the Indian market and is based on the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) rating system for industrial sites. It has proved very successful in India and we hope that it can help others learn about the importance of developing sustainable planning concepts.

How can I play?

You can download a small sample of the complete set of playing cards and the rules of the game to get an insight into it. If you are interested in using the game, please get in touch via the contact details below for more information.